Where in the Bible does it talk about forgiveness?
Jennifer: I have written
an article on forgiveness on this site that you can read for more on my
views of forgiveness, but here are a list of some of the scriptures.
Forgiving Our Enemies
We are to love our enemy and do
good to them. (Luke 6:35, 37; Prov. 25:21-22; Ex. 23:4,5)
We are not to rejoice in their downfall.
(Prov. 24:27)
We are to bless them. (Rom. 12:14-21)
We are not to seek revenge.
We are to leave vengeance to God.
(Roman 12:14-21; I Peter 3:9)
There are consequences to pay for
wrong doing. (Prov. 22:8)
Go the extra mile. (Mt 5:7, 39-41,
We are to forgive our debtors as
Christ forgave us. (Mt. 6:12-15)
(We must take note
how Christ forgave us.)
Forgiving Our Brothers &
Sisters in Christ
We are to forgive our brother.
Whatever grievances we have against
one another. (Col. 3:13)
When we pray, if we have ought against
someone, we are to forgive. (Mark 11:25)
We are to forgive as God for Christ’s
sake forgave us. (Eph. 4:32)
If we don’t forgive, Christ won’t
forgive us. (Mt. 6:12, 14, 15)
Forgiveness is an act of obedience,
not necessarily feeling.
Forgiveness and Accountabiliy
There are certain steps outlined
in scripture to be followed when one is wronged by another believer.
If our brother sins against us,
we are told to rebuke (confront) him. “If your brother sins against
you, rebuke him...” (Luke 17:3)
Also, Matthew 18:25 says, “If your
brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two
of you...”
If he repents, we are to forgive
him. “...If he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you
seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, I repent,
forgive him.” (Luke 17:3-4 & Mt. 18:15)
If he will not hear you, then you
are to take one or two others along for witnesses. (Mt. 18:16)
If he will not listen to them, it
is to be brought before the church. (Mt. 18:17; I Co. 6:4-8)
If he refuses to listen even to
the church, he is to be treated as a pagan or a tax collector. (Mt.18:17)
Forgiveness and unforgiveness is
binding. If we forgive they are forgiven, if we don’t forgive a person,
they won’t be forgiven. (John 20:23) (I don’t understand this totally.)