Do You Know This Story?
If you know any of the following stories, please send info and I'll post it! Please make sure you add the name of the person asking for info so I know which story your title/author, etc., goes with. If you have a Christmas story you are looking for, send it and see if someone can help you find it!
Please note: I do not add email addresses because of vulnerablity issues in regard to spam. So you need to keep checking back until you get your answer. If it is a current listing for this year, and I have your email address, I will try to email you that there is a response.

I'm looking for a story from a book of Christmas stories and songs from the 1960s. It is actually a poem/short story. It starts "It's nearly Christmas, it's, Christmas Eve, and it's snowing all over the place. The roof the the barn is surgary white; it's eaves are lined with lace. Connie

I am looking for a story about an unknown man walking around a city or village and people are getting ready for Christmas. He askes about Christmas and they tell him all about Santa Claus and everything besides the real meaning. This unknown man is really Christ. If anyone has heard of this and knows the title and author I'd sure like to know. Thanks...AnnMarie

I am looking for a narration of a scruffy young man delivering presents in his old car to a poor family. when the little boy sees the young man he asks his mother - " was that Jesus" Bruce

I am looking for a letter from a little boy that I use to give to all on my students about 25 years ago. It starts out with: "Dear Santa, are there any dogs at the North Pole". The little boy says that he does not care what type of dog it is he just wants one. I could not read this letter to my students with out crying, that is the reason I handed this letter out. Please e-mail me if you have this letter. Thanks Richard York

I am trying to locate a Christmas story that might have been in a school book. It was about a little boy and how the whole town got ready for Christmas. It tells how a huge Christmas tree was in the center of the park and how they all decorated it. Does anyone know the story I am referring to? Katie

I am looking for a story about an orphan who celebrates christmas in a unique way. Afrein

I am looking for a story that I reading a magazine, it was bout a special needs boy who wanted a balloon for Christmas, a teacher goes through quite a bit to get the balloon for this child. Once she does and he gets the balloon as they go out side he
lets the balloon go, the teacher is upset because of the hassle she went through to get the balloon, but she is touched as he lets the balloon go the young child says, "Happy Birthday Jesus." Sheila

I'm trying to locate a short story i heard years ago about a family. the mother and children were going to church and the daddy was staying home. something about little sparrows being cold in the snow and the man going out into the barn and turning on a light so they would go in there. it struck him in his heart and brought to mind about Jesus and light and .....................
If you could help me on this I would be very appreciative. Elizabeth

I am trying to locate a Christmas story that I'd heard years ago. I believe it was a German story, about a clockmaker and the Christ Child. I want to say it was the Story of the Christmas Apple, but I haven't been able to locate it under that title. I would dearly love to share it with my children this Christmas! If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be most grateful! Jennifer
It is called: German Christmas Apple story. I have a copy if you'd like me to send it to you. Sandy
If you want this copy, just send the request by clicking the post image and I will forward the request on to Sandy with your email address.
Response: digital.library.upenn.edu/women/sawyer/

I am looking for a christmas story that my mom use to read to my brother
and I about 30 years ago. my problem is that I don't know the author
or the publisher. it was a story in a big Christmas book of stories
and it had a red and blue shiny hard cover with Santas face on it.
the name of our favorite story in the book was "Bertrums Reindeer".
i would love to be able to find that story again and have it for my grandchildren.
i tried to find it for my children and had no luck so maybe I can find
it for my grandkids. another story in the book was "The Little Blue
Dishes" can anyone help me out there? it would be much appreciated.
The story of 'Bertrums Reindeer was about a reindeer and xmas cookies.
thank you karen
Response: Paul T. Gilbert is the author of Bertrum and the Reindeer.
I have the story Bertram and the Reindeer! I have the book, or most of the book. It also has The Little Blue Dishes. My kid's favorite is "Oscar's Christmas". The one about the seal dressed as Santa. I have been trying to find a complete volume of this book too! I had this book since I was a small boy, probably published in 1966. Whitman Publishing Company was the publisher, but we haven't been able to track it down. My book is in very bad condition, but I could try to scan Bertram and
the Reindeer for you, and send it to you as an attachment if you'd like. We will soon start to read all the stories before Christmas, as is our tradition each year. My oldest child is 17 now, and still loves to hear them. Hope to hear from you. Barry Judson
Response: Karen, here are some listings I found through the library. They are all older books, so hopefully one of them is what you are looking for.
Christmas Tales for Reading 1966 Robert Lohan
The golden book of Christmas Tales Lillian Lewicki
Christmas for Middle Grades D. M. Shipman 1937
The Complete Christmas Book; Franklin Watts 1958
Christmas Stories from many lands - Herbert Henry Wernecki 1895
World's Greatest Christmas Stories; Eric Possett; Ziff-Davis Pub.
Co 1949

I need help locating a short Christmas Story. The story is about
a little boy (symbolizing Jesus) wandering the streets on Christmas Night.
He is looking for a place to stay his first stop is this wealthy home where
the people tell him they can't help him. The second home is a poor
home... no Christmas tree just a candle in the window. This family
brings him into their home.
If you have ever heard of this story and can help me locate a version
of the story, it would really mean a lot to me and my family. Brian Amsler
Response:I believe the story you arelooking for is "A Story of the Christ-Child - A German Legend for Christmas Eve" As told by Elizabeth Harrison... Kathleen
